Exclusive sponsorship opportunities
Exclusive sponsorship opportunities
- Includes 4 delegates and a presentation during Technology Focus Session
- Technological Focus Session of the Congress under the auspices of the Sponsor
- Moderating the key session of the Technology Focus Session
- Inviting partners` technical specialists by Sponsor`s request
- Video report from Sponsor`s presentation
- Marketing support before and after the event (placing Sponsor’s logo and description in the official catalogue and on the website of the Congress; including in email blasts for the industry (more than 30,000 direct mails of industry specialists); Sponsor’s logo on the cover; reference to Sponsor in media press-releases)
- Business meetings organised by personal manager during the event
- Exhibition display 2х3m in technical conference room
- Provision of scanned business cards of all the participants after the event
- Lunches, coffee breaks, assistance for finding an interpreter
Sponsor of Video Clips
- Demonstration of Sponsor`s promotional video during 2 days of the Congress at the networking area
- Placement of the advertising display 2х3m
- A4 advertisement, information and contact details of the company in the official catalogue of the Congress; logo on the cover
- Includes 1 delegate at the Congress
Coffee Break Sponsor
- Placement of the advertising display 2х1m in coffee break area
- Placing flags with Sponsor`s logo in the coffee break area
- Information and contact details of the company are included in the catalogue; logo on the cover
- Includes 1 delegate at the Congress
Sponsor of the Registration
- Reception branding by Sponsor`s logos
- Placement of the advertising display 2х1m in delegates’ reception area
- Sponsor`s logo and contact details placement on delegate badges
- Sponsor`s logo on all the marketing materials of the Congress
- Information and contact details of the company are included in the catalogue; logo on the cover
- Includes 2 delegates at the Congress
Sponsor of Cocktail Reception
Cocktail Reception under the auspices of Sponsor
- Placement of the advertising display 2х1m in Cocktail Reception area
- Holding a lottery during the Cocktail Reception under the auspices of Sponsor
- Placing flags and balloons with Sponsor`s logo in Cocktail Reception area
- Information and contact details of the company is included in the catalogue; logo on the cover
- Includes 2 delegates at the Congress