Congress Highlights 2024

200+ leaders of the methane gas-to-chemicals industry in Uzbekistan and CIS with participation of the largest synthesis gas processors, authorities, investors and technology leaders

15+ investment projects on construction and modernisation of production facilities, as well as opportunities to improve the efficiency of existing nitrogen, methanol, ammonia and mineral fertilisers (nitrogen, potash, phosphate, and complex ones) producers in Uzbekistan

Current reality of the synthesis gas processing industry in Uzbekistan and CIS: progress and new perspectives

Achievements of technology industry leaders: market overview of technologies, equipment, solutions, and services

Methanol and ammonia: room for development. Planned and ongoing industry construction projects in Uzbekistan and CIS

25+ presentations from industry leaders: project managers, regulators, industry experts

New in the programme! Businesses' internal infrastructure: process efficiency, supply chain development, production problem solving, methods and forms of product realisation

Relevant! Technological development of the industry: best practices in innovations integration into production - practical examples

Nitrogen and mineral fertilisers: status of existing and future construction projects in Uzbekistan and CIS

Progressive modernisation: real effect of modernisation programmes at the industry - experience of ammonia, mineral fertilisers and methanol producers

30+ hours of business and informal networking: one-on-one meetings on a pre-arranged schedule, business lunches, coffee breaks, interactive discussions, and more

Cocktail Reception to make new acquaintances and strengthen existing business ties in an informal setting


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